We had a workshop with our lovely volunteers for our projects this afternoon at the Zidovska opcina Zagreb. Since the original Origami paper is very expensive here the best paper for practicing origami is Ikea catalog or any kind of women's magazines, and also advertisement of konzum and Lesnina and some others that you find in your postbox are great.
I have changed the title of this web from "Pray for Japan" to "Kizuna za Japan". Kizuna means ties, bound, unbreakable connection in Japanese. This title can give us a stronger connection between Japan and Croatia.
ウェブのタイトルを「Pray for Japan(日本のために祈ろう)」からクロアチア語で日本との絆という意味の「Kizuna za Japan」にしました。
4月1日にワークショップを行ったクロアチアの音楽学校の子供たちによる「Vjeruj u ljubav(ヴェルイ・ウ・リュバヴ)」というクロアチアの歌の合唱です。自分たちで折った鶴を持って、被災地の方々のために歌ってくれました。
Children from a music school where we had our workshop in the beginning of this month sang together a well known song in Croatia called "Vjeruj u ljubav" meaning "Believe in Lova" for Japan. It was just so beautiful and touching...!
Vjeruj u ljubav jer ljubav je sve
Vjeruj u ljubav ne zivi bez nje
Vjeruj u ljubav i sacuvaj nju
Vjeruj u ljubav u dobru i zlu
Vjeruj u ljubav i sacuvaj nju
Vjeruj u ljubav u dobru i zlu
Daj mi svoju ruku sad neka ljubav veze nas
Daj mi svoju ruku sad kao rijedak cvijet
Daj mi svoju ruku sad prava ljubav je uz nas
nek nas vodi u sretniji svijet
Vjeruj u ljubav jer ljubav je sve
Vjeruj u ljubav ne zivi bez nje
Vjeruj u ljubav i sacuvaj nju
Vjeruj u ljubav u dobru i zlu
Vjeruj u ljubav i sacuvaj nju
Vjeruj u ljubav u dobru i zlu
We (Luciano, Ana, Nikolina&Sasha, Zoran and me) had our first visit and workshop and singing a song in Japanese called "Furusato - my home" together at Dječji dom "LADUČ" a children home outside of Zagreb on the 13th of April. Sixteen beautiful children of the home had participated with our workshop. It was really beautiful and wonderful.
We have also visited and did our workshop at The Schwartz Dom, a retirement home in Zagreb on the same day. It was just so wonderful, it was great positive energy. We also sang this song together. That was deeply touching...!
We had a wonderful workshop at Osnovna glazbena škola Jastrebarsko. It is a music school located in the city of Jastrebarsko, 30 minutes on high way from city of Zagreb. When we enter to the school, Tsuru, zdralova were eveywhere! Kids welcomed us with a beautiful happy smile on their faces! They sang a beautiful Croatian song about Love for people in Japan!